Why weren't you happy with the old website? What made you want to do a redesign?
Our old website was from the old days. We have evolved and, therefore, needed something fresh that looks professional and suits us.
What goals did you want to achieve with the new website?
We want to address a very specific customer with the new website.
What was the impact of the new website? Did we help you achieve/get closer to your goals?
We have already received several enquiries through the new website. Due to the good presentation, many questions are already answered in advance for the customers, which they would otherwise ask us on the phone.
If you had to choose one, what would be your favourite feature/aspect of your new website?
The modern design. We have received good feedback.
How was your experience of working with us?
The cooperation was very relaxed and professional at the same time.
If there’s one word you could use to describe your experience with us, what would it be?